Every Wednesday, the school community share in Wednesday Worship at St John’s Church, Pencombe which is situated next to the school.
Families and friends are invited to be part of the congregation and worship with the children.
Reverend Sidwell starts proceedings with the normal liturgy of introduction communion and praise and on the first Wednesday of each half term there is a communion.
On the second Wednesday of each month, the children from the school lead the collective worship using our Christian values by acting our Bible stories and leading in prayer.
The children take part in regular Collective Worship in the classroom.
Candles are lit to signify prayer and reflection time rather than usual classroom lessons.
There is an emphasis on our Christian values chosen by the children, told through the words of Jesus, and children take ownership of embedding these values into school life.
We light candles when we do Collective Worship is class to remind ourselves of the difference between a working environment and a spiritual environment, allowing us the space to reflect and pray.
‘We aspire that, through the love of Jesus, everyone should have “life” and live it to the full’ (John 10:10)
01885 400 255
Mrs Near (Office Manager)
Pencombe C.E. School