
This week was our Christingle service, so all of the children in the school made a Christingle of their own to take with them to the service.
The word Christingle means ‘Christ’s light’ and symbolises the light of Christ, bringing hope to people living in darkness.
Each part of the Christingle is special:
  • The orange represents the world
  • The red ribbon represents the love and blood of Christ
  • The sweets and dried fruit represent God’s creations, the fruits of the earth and the four seasons
  • The lit candle represents Jesus as the light of the world
  • The four sticks represent the fours seasons and four compass directions
The church was full for the Christingle service!
Oak class led the service, with Cherry and Willow class explaining the symbols, and Pippin class sharing sweets at the end!
The Christingles were lit to represent Jesus’s light, which brings hope to people.
Songs were sung and prayers shared. It was a wonderful celebration.

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