An African Village in Pippin Class

In many west African countries “fu fu” is a starchy, staple food made by pounding cassava or yams and plantains with a large stick called a woma.
Pippin class made their own Pencombe version using potatoes, with banana on the side. It tasted quite good, the hen certainly liked it! While the children were waiting for the potatoes to cook , they toasted marshmallows in the fire. It was a fantastic afternoon for visiting the jungle!
After camp-fire cooking, the children enjoyed making “fufu” with mud in their African village, playing in the den, drawing with charcoal and making bracelets with elder beads.
It was such a happy afternoon.
If you have a child starting Reception in September, and they enjoying being outdoors, learning in an outdoor environment, we have space still available. Why not come and have a look for yourselves?
Please call us on 01885 400255 and arrange a visit.

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