Creative Curriculum

Our curriculum is a continually evolving blend of learning experiences, designed to develop the fundamental skills, which children need to succeed. The school curriculum is aimed to be relevant, interesting and engaging.
Our curriculum is a continually evolving blend of learning experiences, designed to develop the fundamental skills, which children need to succeed. The school curriculum is aimed to be relevant, interesting and engaging.

A broad, balanced and relevant skills based education is offered to all the pupils, providing a wide range of experiences to meet their personalised needs. The core subjects and foundation subjects are all taught through a cross-curricular approach where it enhances learning or as discrete subjects. 

Our curriculum is further enriched by themed weeks which have been proposed by the children and in which the they work collaboratively on a whole school topic. The school meets the requirements of the National Curriculum for Years 1 to 6, and the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum for pupils in Reception.

Curriculum Overview

Download the Whole School Curriculum Overview for all non-core subjects across the curriculum here…arrow 3 right.png

Embedding Learning

Learning happens when pupils make sense of ideas in relation to what they already know. When we talk about knowledge in the long-term memory, we often refer to this as Sticky learning. Sticky learning is effectively the knowledge that stays with us forever.

Learning is defined as an alteration in long-term memory. If nothing has been altered in long-term memory, nothing has been learned.”  (Kirschner, Sweller and Clarke, 2006)

At Pencombe, we embed a range of strategies to develop retrieval practice in teaching across all year groups so that pupils are reminded of their knowledge and that learning builds on prior knowledge:

Experiences to enhance learning

We believe that learning outside of the classroom offers a valuable opportunity to extend learning and enrich children’s understanding of themselves, others, and the world around them. Educational visits, trips and opportunities often provide the most enjoyable experiences and enduring memories from school days.

Here are some of the experiences our children have taken part in:

Evacuee Day
Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths Week
The Moving Targets Project
Young Voices
Experiential Learning
Forest School
Design and Technology testing
Royal Day
Whole school reading events
Inter-school sporting events
Local walks
Christmas cake decorating
Inviting families in
Dress up days

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